
Watch the moment a man confesses to shooting his girlfriend on live TV

Late last year, a reporter for Australia’s News 7 was investigating a story about a shooting, when a leather-clad man on a motorcycle flagged him down.

Late last year, a reporter for Australia’s News 7 was investigating a story about a shooting, when a leather-clad man on a motorcycle flagged him down.

“A chap on a Harley sort of pulled me over,” News 7’s Cameron Peter Steer said. “I thought there might have been something wrong with my car. He got off his bike and approached me and said ‘I’ve got a story for you.’”

“I said, ‘Well mate, you better hurry because I’m going to a shooting’, and he said, ‘Mate, I’m the shooter.’”

“I got out of the car and phoned police. We were talking. He wanted to tell his story on camera which I was doing. He seemed agitated and quite upset about what had happened before,” he added.

The man, who remained unidentified at the time but gave his name as Julie Brook, then jumped into the news truck and drove off with the back hatch open, ultimately slamming into a gas tank at a petrol station, possibly in an attempt to commit suicide.

According to the Independent, he has since been charged with one count each of attempted murder, armed robbery, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, unlawful possession of a weapon and two counts of willful damage.


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