2016 Election

Watch: Judge shuts down Trump’s lawyer for trying to make poll workers’ identities public

Responding to a lawsuit filed by the Trump campaign alleging early voting improprieties in Las Vegas, a judge gave one of Donald Trump‘s lawyers a lesson in what the GOP nominee’s army of vicious internet trolls are capable of.

District Judge Gloria Sturman slammed Trump’s attorneys for seeking out the names of paid and volunteer poll workers, saying that making their identities public would subject them to abuse from online “trolls.”

“Do you watch Twitter?” Sturman said. “Have you watched any cable news shows? There are Internet – you know the vernacular – trolls who could get this information and harass people. Why would I order them to make available to you information about people who work at polls?”

From the Los Angeles Times:

Sturman also chastised the campaign for taking up the time of the defendant, Clark County Registrar of Voters Joe Gloria, when he was busy with election day. And she questioned what the Trump campaign was even doing in court when it had not yet issued its grievances with the secretary of state, an administrative step she said should have been taken before a hearing was scheduled.

“I am not going to issue any order,” Sturman declared.

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