
WATCH: Toronto’s ‘crack smoking mayor’ Rob Ford filmed roaming around festival drunk

In a series of videos posted to Youtube between the hours of 11pm EST on August 9 and the following morning, Ford is seen roaming around a popular Greek food festival — by himself — stopping occasionally to take photographs.

Video posted online last week of Toronto’s mayor Rob Ford are renewing questions about the mayor’s behavior.

In a series of videos posted to Youtube between the hours of 11pm EST on August 9 and the following morning, Ford is seen roaming around a popular Greek food festival — by himself — stopping occasionally to take photographs.

“I’m not driving, I’m not driving, I’m not driving,” Ford, seemingly inebriated, is heard saying in one of the videos.

Mala Turay, who was one of the people who filmed the mayor, told CBC News that Ford was “stuttering” his words, going on to say that she noticed “he was not himself — he was drunk.”

Ford has been embroiled in an ongoing controversy since May, stemming from a video that allegedly shows him smoking crack cocaine.

Ford, who has denied the existence of the video, became the subject of wider speculation after Toronto police in late May interviewed a senior member of Ford’s staff regarding a murder that may have been linked to the video.

Watch footage of the allegedly inebriated mayor in the link below.



  1. Pingback: VIDEO: Toronto’s ‘crack-smoking mayor’ gets into angry physical confrontation with reporters

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