I don’t like to trash the First Lady. But she (or those closest to her) should have seen this one coming.
President Trump has used his Twitter account to attack and smear the free press, slander and undermined federal law enforcement, belittled women — the list goes on. But that isn’t stopping Melania Trump from tackling the subject of bullying via social media.
According to press reports, Melania gave a speech at a White House luncheon for spouses of the country’s governors, at one point saying, “it is important that as adults we take the lead and responsibility in helping our children manage the many issues they’re facing today.”
“This means encouraging positive habits on social media and technology,” she continued. “Even limiting time online and understanding the content they are exposed to on a daily basis.”
Needless to say, social media wasn’t impressed with the First Lady’s remarks.
Melania Trump just told a group of governors, "we must encourage positive social media habits. Well, that's ironic."
— A.J. Ali (@aj_ali) February 26, 2018
Melania Trump is calling for parent's to limit KIDS on their social media. She should Start with Donald Trump
— Nicolette Dalton (@NicoletteDalto4) February 26, 2018
@FLOTUS – Please Take a lead & help your husband & stepsons in develop positive social media habits FIRST, then talk to us.
— r (@rochelleaz) February 26, 2018
Witnesses report that Irony silently stood up, walked out of the room, and blew its brains out. #RIPIrony https://t.co/LZhLaDASVF
— Tennesseine (@Tennesseine) February 27, 2018
Melania Trump, who's married to Donald Trump in case you weren't aware, gave a speech encouraging "positive social media use".
This is either a tone-deafness of legendary proportions…or a half-arsed attempt at throwing shade on President Pussy-Grabber. pic.twitter.com/cwjtZ60pKb
— GayStation64 🏳️🌈⚧💚🎮📖 (@GayStation64) February 27, 2018
Adults should
"take the lead" in encouraging positive social media habits ~ @FLOTUS 😐Ok then… You can start by smacking your poor excuse for a husband upside his head any time he even thinks about taking his phone with him to the shitter 🤷🏼♂️ https://t.co/qE5OC6TXgI
— ALBΞRT MacGloan (@AlbertMacGloan) February 27, 2018
Parkland shooting survivor Lauren Hogg pointed out that the First Lady’s son-in-law has some poor social media habits as well.
Hey @FLOTUS you say that your mission as First Lady is to stop cyber bullying, well then, don’t you think it would have been smart to have a convo with your step-son @DonaldJTrumpJr before he liked a post about a false conspiracy theory which in turn put a target on my back
— Lauren Hogg (@lauren_hoggs) February 23, 2018
President Trump has tweeted around 2,500 times in 2017 alone, and most of his sentiments weren’t very nice. But in the end, the First Lady’s message is a nobel one.
That being said …
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 27, 2018
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