
Christian TV host: Democrats will assassinate Republicans in 2020 to stop them from voting

Since Alex Jones’ claims of a “second civil war” didn’t seem to come to pass, Rick Wiles is looking to kick the can a little farther down the road. On his TruNews broadcast this Tuesday, Wiles posited that Democrats are conducting an orchestrated stalking campaign against Trump supporters, withs aims of snuffing them out before they reach the voting booths this coming 2020.

“The Democrats are now stalking members of the Trump administration,” Wiles declared in clip flagged by Right Wing Watch.

“My friends, I’m telling you there is a day coming, perhaps this year, they’re going to shoot members of the Cabinet, they’re going to shoot members of the House and Senate.”

According to Wiles, the Democrats have “lost their minds” and have “gone insane.”

“We have to put bodyguards around our elected officials to protect them from Democrats?” he asked incredulously. “At what point do you charge the Democratic Party with being a terrorist organization?”

He warned that murder is next on the Democrats’ agenda, adding that they “started the first Civil War to protect slavery” and they will “start the second Civil War to protect abortion.”

“Folks, this thing is a dangerous political entity,” he continued. “They’re fanatical baby killers. Anybody that would kill a baby would kill you … They want to kill babies, of course they’ll kill you. They’re crazy. They’re demonic.”

But the real carnage, according to Wiles, won’t start until 2020.

“They’re going to kill Republicans and by 2020, on election day, they’re going to kill Republican voters, they’re going to block Republicans from voting.”

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

Featured image via screen grab

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