A video posted to Instagram shows a confrontation on a freeway in Oakland, California, where a man driving a white Jeep screams racial slurs out his window at a car full of women.
The video starts out with the man repeatedly yelling the N-word out his car window as the women react in bewilderment. The enraged man careens in and out of his lane as he continues to yell expletives and the N-word.
“Call the police!” one of the women in the car can be heard saying.
At one point, the man seemingly swerves at the women, but loses control and side-swipes the freeway wall, doing considerable damage to his car. “That’s what you get!” one of the women yells out as car pieces scatter onto the freeway.
“Lets make this racist POS famous!!! His family, his friends, his job, his community all need to know what type of POS this punk a$$ is,” the caption on the video reads. “I guarantee he only had that energy because he was verbally assaulting and berating Queens instead of Kings. That’s all and good because the internet is undefeated! Be careful because its on sight if we ever see that Jeep in Oakland again!”
Watch the video below: