Speaking to Jim Bakker on his show late last August, Christian conservative activist Alveda King (who also happens to be Martin Luther King Jr’s niece) resurrected the “War on Christmas” rhetoric from the Obama era, with a new added twist that casts President Trump as the victor.
“This is something I have fought for my whole life,” Bakker said, referring to Trump’s “religious liberty” executive order. “I don’t think a lot of even church people know the regulations on church — we’re not really allowed to preach on a lot of stuff we do preach on, but Trump said, ‘You’re never going to be stopped as long as I’m president.”
Trump’s executive order falsely claimed to reverse the Johnson Amendment, which prevents religious organizations from endorsing political candidates. But King claimed that under its rule, churches “couldn’t say Jesus.”
“When he was running for office, he said, ‘Christians, you have all the power. Use it. We need to say Merry Christmas again,'” she said. “And one of the first things he made sure we could do was say Merry Christmas again.”
Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:
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