
Brock Turner’s mother didn’t mention the victim once in her 4-page letter to Judge Persky

In a letter to Judge Aaron Persky before her son’s sentencing, Brock Turner’s mother managed to broach a lot of topics as she pleaded for mercy, except she forgot to mention the person at the center of the story – her son’s victim.

According to the Fresno Bee, in a letter to Judge Aaron Persky before her son’s sentencing, Brock Turner’s mother managed to broach a lot of topics as she pleaded for mercy, except she forgot to mention the person at the center of the story – her son’s victim.

“We moved into our home on Jan. 17 2015. Then we got that fateful call from Brock on Sunday the 18th and our world has been spinning apart ever since,” Carleen Turner wrote. “This house now reminds me of the horror of that moment. I have not decorated the house nor have I hung anything on the walls. I am a mom who loves family pictures but I haven’t had the heart to put photos around of our family being happy.”

Turner’s mother lamented the loss of her son’s future job opportunities and the fact that he’s now required to register as a sex offender when he’s done serving only 3 months of his 6-month sentence.

“Brock will have to register at the highest tier which means he is on the same level as a pedophile/child molester. There is no differentiation,” she wrote. “The public records will reflect a Tier 3 so people will wrongly assume he is a child molester. I fear for his lifelong safety.”

Turner was convicted of raping an unconscious woman behind a dumpster near the Stanford campus in California back in 2015. As a result of the decision, he will not be able to compete in any events sanctioned by USA Swimming.

Turner, who was an Olympic hopeful, now is completely blocked from competing in any future Olympic events. He was a star on Stanford’s swimming team and was expected to qualify for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio.

You can read Carleen Turner’s full letter to Judge Persky here.

Featured image: Karl Mondon (The Mercury News)



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