
Christian radio host: ‘Brown invasion’ of immigrants is God’s punishment for abortion

During a segment on his TruNews program this Monday, Rick Wiles managed to blend the Christian anti-abortion stance with a touch of white nationalism.

While characterizing immigration from Latin America as a “brown invasion,” Wiles claimed that it’s actually God’s method of punishing the white man for the sin of abortion.

“Our soil is soaked in baby blood,” Wiles said, referring to abortion.

“Four thousand babies killed every day, their guts, their intestines, their brains, their blood flushed down the toilet in the baby butcher shops,” he continued, describing how it “goes into the sewer system, carried in the sewer pipes under the city streets, into the sewage system. Our country is soaked in blood and the soil is crying out for justice.”

Wiles added that for 20 years, he’s been warning that “if we don’t repent, there will be another people brought in that will push us off the land.”

The pro-Trump End Times conspiracist said that he originally thought America would be taken over by the Chinese or Russians, but he now realizes that God’s punishment is coming in the form of Central Americans.

“It just hit me in the past week,” he said. “We’ve already been invaded. We’re already being pushed off the land. It’s already happened.”

“The judgment has been underway for years and we didn’t see it,” he continued. “God is bringing another people in to America and pushing the white Europeans off the land.”

“We have a brown invasion that has come in,” Wiles declared. “This is the land vomiting the people out.”

[H/T Right Wing Watch]

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