Radio host and American Family Association founder Bryan Fischer is declaring victory in the Brett Kavanaugh SCOTUS fight, and he’s certain that it’s due to divine intervention.
Last month during his Focal Point radio program, Fischer joined the fight against the sexual assault accusations leveled Kavanaugh by calling upon the angels of heaven to defeat the Satanic forces aiming to take him down.
“This is the biggest conflict between good and evil that we have seen in the last year,” Fischer declared, adding that Kavanaugh’s confirmation is enveloped in “major league spiritual warfare.”
This past weekend after Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Fischer celebrated the “victory of Jesus Christ over Satan and the powers of darkness and evil.”
“Saturday was the best day in American politics since World War II,” he said on his show this Monday.
“I believe the demons of hell, under Satan’s direction, threw every single piece of weaponry, every single piece of firepower that they had, threw it into the battle to take out Brett Kavanaugh. They wanted him not just defeated, they wanted him destroyed.”
“The spiritual warfare that was directed against Judge Kavanaugh, I believe was as intense as anything we have witnessed in the last several decades,” Fischer continued. “It was as if all the demons of hell had been summoned by Satan and ordered to attack this good man in a concerted effort to destroy him. And I believe, thanks to the faithful, committed saints who released the power of God against the powers of darkness through focused and persistent prayer, victory was snatched out of the jaws of defeat.”
Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:
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