“We’re in a communist revolution,” Rick Wiles said on his TruNews TV program this Wednesday night. According to him, the situation is so dire that liberals, i.e., “communists,” may be marching conservatives off to the camps very soon.
And don’t forget the Russian and Chinese soldiers who could potentially be patrolling America’s streets.
“If these people are not put down—I’m talking about this revolution—if they are not put down, if this revolution is not crushed, you will be crushed,” Wiles warned in a video clip flagged by Right Wing Watch. “Their next step is a concentration camp for you.”
He went on to say that if the revolution isn’t stopped, conservatives would eventually be “crushed” as well.
“Once they reach a certain level, there is mass bloodshed and that’s where the left is going in this country,” he continued. “They will tear this country to pieces, and when they do it, other nations are going to step in. I could see the United Nations someday passing a resolution asking China and Russia and other nations to send peacekeeping forces into American cities to put down the civil unrest.”
“You think it’s impossible? I don’t,” Wiles added. “Europe, Russia, China will send troops to America to patrol the streets. We’ll lose this country. That’s how close we are.”
Wiles makes a habit of predicting mass unrest at the hands of liberals. Each time, his scenario is different, but what remains the same is his predictions never come to pass.
Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:
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