“…an event that was initially sold to the American public as a super-classy, star-studded soiree (Tom Brady! Ben Roethlisberger!), but ended up more closely resembling an episode of The Surreal Life, with Scott Baio, Antonio Sabato, Jr., and the aforementioned homophobic mouth-breather from Duck Dynasty serving as the celeb guests of honor.”
That’s how The Daily Beast’s Marlow Stern described this month’s Republican National Convention.
Considering that D-list lineup, Republicans shouldn’t be surprised that Bradly Cooper, who played U.S. history’s deadliest marksman in their beloved movie American Sniper, decided to attend the DNC instead.
Nevertheless, conservative Twitter had a sad.
Apparently forgetting that movie actors are not the people they portray on screen, Trump fans on Twitter lamented the fact that Cooper is not a Democrat:
I have a list of celebrities that support Socialism I refuse to spend another $ on. Add this one. Boycott them all. pic.twitter.com/uOFMkxSvRY
— Nat Shupe (@NatShupe) July 28, 2016
Bradley Cooper is promoting Hillary? Too bad. He's dead to me now. pic.twitter.com/gXJ4ahO8YK
— David O'Neill (@garlicfries95) July 28, 2016
Can't be mad that Bradley Cooper was at the DNC. He only played the American Sniper. Cooper would piss his pants in those situations.
— R_Muterspaw (@RodneyMute) July 28, 2016
Bradley Cooper at DNC?! Guess I've seen my last Bradley Cooper movie. Ewww Ick
— The Real ExTex (@theRealExTex) July 28, 2016
Bradley Cooper's eyes are too pretty for a liberal. SMH. Everybody at the DNC should have glowing red eyes.
— (Fuzzicus Innocuous) (@MissFuzzball) July 28, 2016
Realllll disappointed to see Bradley Cooper at the DNC. But, oh well.
— mrs. spooky (@rachelcrawf0rd) July 28, 2016
But the mockery is always worth it.
When Republicans thought Bradley Cooper was one of them since he's on American Sniper, but they saw him at the DNC pic.twitter.com/OA9Dswo4ON
— Sunny Black Official (@RealSunnyBlack) July 28, 2016
Bradley Cooper's DNC appearance is no laughing matter to the people who thought Joni actually loved Chachi
— 5th Lord (@umussbekidding) July 28, 2016
Stern writes:
Kyle, aka “The Devil of Ramadi,” is a conservative icon, and since the film was directed by none other than Clint Eastwood—you know, the fella who stole the show at the last RNC by talking to an empty chair—it stood to reason that Cooper was a Republican, too.
July 28, 2016 at 11:28 am
“Apparently forgetting that movie actors are not the people they portray on screen, Trump fans on Twitter lamented the fact that Cooper is not a Democrat: ”
Wait. Republicans are lamenting the fact that he’s NOT a Democrat? *confused*
Angelo Ellers
August 30, 2016 at 6:25 pm
The Unidos Podemos party showed disappointment with its third place in the election results, saying it expected to perform better. “They are not good for Unidos Podemos and we don’t think they’re good for Spain because they reverse the move for political change.”