Justice Served

FBI arrests woman who bragged on social media that she ‘broke down Nancy Pelosi’s door’

A woman who ran for mayor of Midland, Texas, in 2019 has been arrested by the FBI for being part of the mob of Trump supporters that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, CBS7 reports.

After the breaching of the Capitol, Jenny Cudd posted to her Facebook page bragging that “we” tore down the doors to Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office. Also arrested was another Midland resident, Eliel Rosa.

“Do I think that it was wrong for us to go to the Capitol? Absolutely not, Cudd said in the Facebook video. “Do I think that it was wrong for me to go through an open door and get inside of the Capitol? No I don’t. I didn’t break any laws, I didn’t do anything unlawful, and I think that’s probably why the FBI and the law enforcement have not contacted me.”

More than once, Cudd told CBS7 she was proud of what she did and that she’d do it again. She has since deleted her Facebook page.

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