
Here are 16 examples of instant regret

The tragedy of instant regret becomes more bearable when it’s caught on video.

1. This modern day Superman. regret 1
2. This “Is there a problem?” moment. regret 2
3. This kid’s future children. regret 3
4. This potty mouth. regret 4
5. This overly confident insect. regret 5
6. This reminder that gravity is real. regret 6
7. This important lesson on cause and effect. regret 7
8. This phantom knee syndrome. regret 8
9. This lesson that will repeat itself again and again forever. regret 9
10. This bad habit that will die hard. regret 10
11. This non-detail oriented vandal. regret 11
12. This poor soul. regret 12
13. This impromptu shower. regret 13
14. This thing that’s really happening. regret 14
15. This umpire’s balls. regret 15
16. This unexpected development. regret 16 h/t: Ebaum’s World



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