
Here are 19 photos of Jesus just being a normal guy

Here’s a side of Jesus that you never knew existed.

1. Vacay at the lake Jesus. jesus 1
2. Boom holder Jesus. jesus 2
3. Unanimous decision Jesus. jesus 3
4. Here to pick you up Jesus. jesus 4
5. Pep squad Jesus. jesus 5
6. DUI Jesus. jesus 6
7. Great defensive play Jesus. jesus 7
8. Mixing it up on the playground Jesus. jesus 8
9. Mariachi Jesus. jesus 9
10. Tuneup Jesus. jesus 10
11. Smooth move Jesus. jesus 11
12. Pool party Jesus. jesus 13
13. “Oh, I know!” Jesus. jesus 14
14. Say Anything Jesus. jesus 15
15. Back and shoulders day Jesus. jesus 16
16. Barista Jesus. jesus 17
17. Hey, over here Jesus. jesus 18
18. Slumber party Jesus. jesus 19
19. Play date Jesus. jesus 20 h/t: We Know Memes



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