
Jim Bakker promotes his apocalypse-ready food buckets with horrific ‘Staying Alive’ cover

Since getting out of prison, televangelist Jim Bakker has resumed profiting off his talents as a religious con artist and his “Staying Alive” food buckets are his latest scam.

Marketed as emergency food storage containers in the event of the Apocalypse, Bakker bragged that this “new type of food” has a 30-year shelf life — which is somewhat contradictory given that Bakker declared that we’re in the “last days.”

“This show today is so important,” Bakker warned. “God woke me up and I felt the presence of God like I never felt and He said, ‘Jim, I want you to do more food, build a new type of food.'”

“This is what God is saying to me,” he added. “We’re in the Last Days. The years I spent in prison, God showed me the revelation and I’m telling you, almost all of it [has already happened.] We’re going to see the End of Time and that is where we are right now.”

The Bakker turned things over to his band, who promptly belted out the most cringeworthy Bee Gees cover I’ve ever seen.

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

Featured image via screen grab

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