Vice President Mike Pence, who calls his wife “Mother,” who makes arbitrary rules for himself that forbid him from dining alone with women who aren’t his wife, who laid waste to women’s health when he was governor of Indiana, and who is a champion of the anti-choice movement, took a moment to give a shout out to International Women’s Day on Twitter this morning.
Today, on #InternationalWomensDay – and ALL days – we recognize the countless contributions women have made to our economy, our communities, & our Nation. The Trump Admin will continue to strive to empower women across America to keep making a profound impact.
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) March 8, 2018
“Today, on #InternationalWomensDay — and ALL days — we recognize the countless contributions women have made to our economy, our communities, & our Nation,” Pence tweeted. “The Trump Admin will continue to strive to empower women across America to keep making a profound impact.”
That’s an ironic thing to say, considering that one of the main preoccupations of the Trump administration is navigating the accusations and lawsuits of all the women the President has allegedly desecrated.
The response was as expected:
Nice try. We are coming for you. And we will take you. And we will sit you down. And we will have LUNCH with you.
— Bess Kalb (@bessbell) March 8, 2018
You are the bad guy in The Handmaid's Tale.
— Bess Kalb (@bessbell) March 8, 2018
Does Mother know you tweeted this?
— Mash is a Stable Genius (@thisismash) March 8, 2018
Just don't have dinner alone with them.
— Jennifer Wright (@JenAshleyWright) March 8, 2018
I donate a shit ton of money in your name to planned parenthood every month, I’m going to do that for the rest of my life. When you are dead I will still be donating money. Happy International Women’s Day!!
— Heather Moon (@moonheather) March 8, 2018
— Karen (@ResistanceFBR) March 8, 2018
But only if Mother is in the room.
— John Jannuzzi (@johnjannuzzi) March 8, 2018
Unless it has anything to do with their reproductive rights of course. You certainly wouldn't want to empower them to have any control over their own bodies you tool.
— Bryan Sumney (@d00dm4n) March 8, 2018
Proud to recognize all the women I'm not allowed to dine alone with.
— Cody Johnston (@drmistercody) March 8, 2018
Good grief, you don't mean any of this. You don't even trust women to make their own health choices. You want to impose your preferences on their bodies and futures. Save the platitudes, we know you don't really want empowered women.
— PCFinTX (@PCF879095) March 8, 2018
"Just grab them by the p***y," right, Mike? You do your little best to strip away women's rights and you're so messed up in the head you won't even sit with women unless accompanied by your wife. Get away from us, you creep.
— Maureen Johnson (@maureenjohnson) March 8, 2018
The Trump Admin knows all about impacts. #NotMyPresident #Resistance
— Mary Force (@mary4ce) March 8, 2018
Make Americans call their wives Mother Again. #MAMA
— Frank Lesser (@sadmonsters) March 8, 2018
What a cosmic joke
— Michael Macomber (@michaelmmatthew) March 8, 2018
As The Cut‘s Gabriella Paiella points out, Pence honoring IWD is “only slightly less embarrassing than McDonald’s flipping their golden arches to a W.”
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