
Muslim preacher: Men who masturbate ‘will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife’

A Turkish televangelist has taken masturbation guilt to a whole new level that even puts the Catholic Church to shame.

A Turkish televangelist has taken masturbation guilt to a whole new level that even puts the Catholic Church to shame.

Mücahid Cihad Han, a Muslim preacher, was fielding the questions of viewers on his television show this Sunday, when one distressed caller asked him about masturbation.

The caller said he that he keeps masturbating although he’s married, even doing the forbidden deed during the “Umrah,” which is the pilgrimage to Mecca performed by Muslims.

From the Hurriyet Daily News:

After repeating the question a few times, Han claimed that Islam strictly prohibits masturbation as a “haram” (forbidden) act. “Moreover, one hadith states that those who have sexual intercourse with their hands will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife, complaining against them to God over its rights,” he said, referring to what he claimed to be a saying of Prophet Muhammad.

Han (far left) and friends with hands ready for inspection.

Han was mocked on Twitter and Turkish social media after his comments went viral around the Internet.

“Are there any hand-gynaecologists in the afterlife? Is abortion allowed there?” one person tweeted.

“So you think that being pregnant is a God-given punishment?” another user asked.


Han assures a local woman that he never masturbates and that it’s okay to shake hands.

You can watch the video here, provided that you can speak Turkish.

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