New York State has legalized the recreational use of marijuana, becoming the 15th state to do. While the news was welcome to many, Newsmax anchor and host of Greg Kelly Reports, Greg Kelly, took to Twitter this Wednesday to tell people it was a bad move.
“Smoking WEED is a big Fat Waste of Time,” he wrote. “@NYGovCuomo just made it ‘legal’ —-BAD MOVE.”
While Kelly’s take is increasingly unpopular, it’s still not that uncommon amongst the squares. But it was his next tweet that raised a few eyebrows.
“SMOKING WEED (aka GRASS) is NOT a good idea,” he wrote. “I’ve tried it (back in the day) and it was WORSE than anything that happened to HUNTER BIDEN. I ‘toked up’ with some buddies in Kentucky and woke up 4 days later in Nairobi, Kenya. With no idea what happened. DON’T DO DRUGS.”
I’m gonna assume that this is Kelly’s attempt at being funny, considering that his Twitter feed is full of caps-ridden stabs at humor. That being said, it seems like he actually believes Joe Biden’s dogs are a false flag operation.
Remember @JoeBiden’s BASEMENT? Did anyone ever see or hear a DOG? I never heard any BARKING, HOWLING, RUNNING or SLOBBERING (well a little Slobbering, but that was Joe) THESE DOGS CAME OUT OF NOWHERE. A POLITICAL STUNT. JOE, RETURN THE DOGS, THEY’RE NOT YOURS!
— Greg Kelly (@gregkellyusa) March 31, 2021