According to a widely-read evangelical publication, an Oklahoma Senator introduced an unprecedented piece of legislation that would not only ban abortion, but criminalize it as first-degree murder as well.
Christian News is reporting that Republican State Senator Joe Silk introduced the new bill, dubbed S.B. 1118, which ads “killing an unborn child to existing murder statutes.”
“No person shall perform or induce or attempt to perform or induce an abortion after conception,” The bill reads. “A person commits murder in the first degree when that person performs an abortion as defined by Section 1-745.5 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes.”
The bill stipulates that abortion is “the use or prescription of any instrument, medicine, drug or any other substance or device to intentionally kill an unborn human being” and gives protection to the “unborn” from the moment of conception.
A petition was signed by over 30,000 residents in Oklahoma which called lawmakers to present legislation that would result in a complete end to abortion in the state.
The petition:
“[We] hereby respectfully demand that our state government stop protecting the murder of children by abortion within its jurisdiction and establish justice for all pre-born human beings in our state,” the petition reads in part. “We demand that our legislators stop passing laws to regulate abortion and instead outlaw all abortion as murder. ”
“We demand that these changes be made now—not five, ten or fifteen years down the road,” it continues. “In short, we the people of the state of Oklahoma demand the total and immediate abolition of human abortion as the legal, constitutional and moral duty of our elected and appointed officials.”
Christian News says that the petition was circulated by the Abolitionist Society of Norman and hundreds of supporters across the country who traveled to Oklahoma to help obtain signatures.
“This bill aims to protect all children from destruction in Oklahoma, and bring Oklahoma law into compliance with the United States Constitution,” Abolitionist Society of Norman said in a press release. “This bill unabashedly defies the Supreme Court’s perversion and denunciation of the constitutional right to life, and seeks to establish justice for those being deprived of life without due process of law.”

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