
‘Pro-life’ Texas lawmaker wants the death penalty for abortion

A Texas bill that would classify abortion as homicide has cleared a committee this Tuesday and is now headed for debate in the House of Representatives. If the bill becomes law, it would open up the possibility that women who have the procedure could be charged with murder and even face the death penalty.

The bill, called the Abolition of Abortion Act, was introduced by GOP state Rep. Tony Tinderholt, who first brought the measure forth in 2017 before it ultimately died in committee. According to Tinderholt, embryos have the same rights as a “human child” from the moment they’re conceived.

In theory, the proposed law would also expose abortion doctors, nurses, and anyone else who participates in the procedure to criminal charges.

In the past Tinderholt said that if the bill were to become law, it would completely remove all access to abortions and “force” women to be more “personally responsible” when it comes to sex.

“Right now, it’s real easy,” Tinderholt told the Texas Observer in 2017. “Right now, they don’t make it important to be personally responsible because they know that they have a backup of ‘oh, I can just go get an abortion.’ Now, we both know that consenting adults don’t always think smartly sometimes. But consenting adults need to also consider the repercussions of the sexual relationship that they’re gonna have, which is a child.”

According to The Washington Post, the bill is a clear violation of Roe v. Wade and is a “testament to new zeal behind the campaign to roll back abortion rights.”

Enthusiasm for the antiabortion cause was evident as well in the surprise box office success of the film “Unplanned,” which paints a dark picture of Planned Parenthood and other groups that defend abortion rights. The White House is screening a film with a similar message on Friday, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

The logical conclusion of the bill’s potential passage is not an afterthought when it comes to its supporters.

“A woman who has committed murder should be charged with murder,” said Jim Baxa, president of West Texans for Life.

Featured image: Tony Tinderholt/Facebook 

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