Two Baltimore cops were arrested and charged with looting a convenience store during the riots last month that erupted after the death...
On this Sunday’s edition of Fox & Friends, host Anna Kooiman had a few choice words for the black community, wondering why...
Given the widespread narrative from certain right-leaning pundits and media outlets regarding the unrest in the wake of Freddie Gray’s funeral, it’s...
The study found that CNN covered the case 154 times, MSNBC covered it 82 times, and Fox News managed to only pop...
The Baltimore protester who was accosted by his mom when she caught him with rioters got to tell his side of the...
On the Daily Show this week, Jon Stewart was amazed at how baffled CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer was regarding the unrest in...
Going against the script over at Fox News, anchor Shep Smith directly challenged assumptions "The Five" host Eric Bolling and some of...