Trump's official response to the CIA's assessment that MBS ordered Jamal Khashoggi's killing is reprehensible.
Michele Bachmann seems to think things are going to be just fine in Saudi Arabia.
Pat Robertson once again shows that his Christian morality is a sham.
After an old news story resurfaced this week, some were surprised to learn why Jamal Khashoggi was originally banned from working as...
Taking a cue from the President, Pat Robertson is running cover for Saudi Arabia.
A group of Nordic leaders took an opportunity to poke fun at President Trump and posed for a picture showing the group...
In a post to his YouTube channel, Infowars host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones seemed to blamed the victims for...
While meeting with a group of Israeli officials in Jerusalem, President Trump had a delightful little gaffe.
President Trump's trip to Saudi Arabia is exposing the hypocrisy of his campaign rhetoric in a surreally clear fashion...
As a political storm continues to rage in D.C. President Trump arrived Saudi Arabia to a warm welcome on what is his...