An incident where a woman called the police in a black family for grilling...
A soccer fan picked the wrong reporter to mess with.
James Bakker's latest lie is especially detestable.
Michelle Wolf's defenders have one message: Sarah Sanders and the White House deserve every...
Jim Bakker is now using his scare tactics to sell real estate.
Scott Lively wants his fans to know that God has assured him Trump is...
It's hard finding employees who fit the profile of someone who believes humans co-existed...
A disturbing story out of Australia tells the harrowing account of a 13-year-old girl's...
According to Joe Walsh, Trump's history of abusive and derogatory rhetoric makes outrage over...
A pizza parlor that made headlines for openly refusing to cater same-sex weddings has...
Rule #1: Don't fuck with Stormy Daniels.
People forget that even Jesus couldn't reliably predict the end of the world.
Tomi Lahren's weekend rant against illegal immigration prompted a genealogist to look into her...
Fischer's take on the First Amendment isn't that uncommon in far-right corners of Christianity.
Milo Yiannopoulos walked into the wrong bar this weekend.
One thing is for sure: Josh Rosen won't be thanking God after a touchdown.
Trump's personal physician admits what many already suspected.
The internet's newest celebrity racist is -- wait for it -- a Trump supporter.
One of the best on-air takedowns of Trump took place at Fox News today.
Ken Ham's creationist theme park is in serious trouble.