A sheriff’s deputy from Hunts County, Texas is under investigation after being caught on cell-phone video violently punching a woman after she repeatedly told him she was pregnant.
In the footage, Air Force veteran Deanna Jo Robinson is being restrained from behind by an unidentified officer and another deputy on March 4. According to her, the sheriff’s department forced their way into her parent’s home without a warrant to take her 18-month-old son on an order from Child Protective Services.
“I’m pregnant!” Robinson, who is unseen, yells in the video. Moments later, one of the officers can seen raising his fist and forcefully punching Robinson. The officer raises his fist again and appears to lay down another punch before the video cuts off.
In a post on the Hunt County Sheriff’s Facebook page, Sheriff Randy Meeks labels the incident as an “internet allegation” that will be investigated.
Watch the video of the incident below: