
This comic strip nails the right wing media’s narrative on Michael Brown perfectly

Matt Bors is a nationally syndicated editorial cartoonist and the comics journalism editor for Cartoon Movement. In 2012 he was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and became the first alt-weekly cartoonist to win the Herblock Prize for Excellence in Cartooning.

Matt Bors is a nationally syndicated editorial cartoonist and the comics journalism editor for Cartoon Movement. In 2012 he was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and became the first alt-weekly cartoonist to win the Herblock Prize for Excellence in Cartooning.

He has quite a talent for framing social issues, and the recent debate surrounding the Ferguson Missouri police shooting of an unarmed Michael Brown is not immune from his truth-telling and ironic perspective.

Check out “Fear of a Black Victim” by Matt Bors below:

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