Justice Served

Trump supporter hit with felony charge after burning out on Pride mural

A Trump supporter who intentionally defaced a Pride mural that was painted on a crosswalk in Delray Beach, Florida, has turned himself in, according to local news reports.

Alexander Jerrich, 20, can be seen in a video using his truck to create skid marks on the mural while he was participating in a vehicle caravan that was celebrating the birthday of former President Donald Trump on June 14.

Palm Beach Human Rights Council president Rand Hochsaid was saddened to learn of the mural’s defacement.

“We made so much progress here in the last 30 years in LGBTQ issues, and to see someone do something like this just took me by surprise,” Hoch said.

“You know, it was really disgusting, and very, very disheartening,” said long-time LGBT activist Cindy Brown reacting to the video.

According to an arrest report cited by WPTV, a witness said he had attended the Trump birthday rally on Monday evening and was two vehicles ahead of Jerich’s truck. The witness said he heard someone shout to Jerich, “Tear up that gay intersection.”

Jerrich was driving a pickup truck that was flying a pro-Trump flag. He reportedly turned himself in after a video of the incident went viral.

He is facing charges of criminal mischief, reckless driving, and evidence of prejudice, which elevates the crime to a third-degree felony.

Activists are now trying to get him to pay for the damage. According to city officials, the LGBTQ Pride intersection and crosswalk cost $16,720 to create.

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