One of Donald Trump’s earliest supporters from the evangelical community and former spiritual adviser, Dr. Darrell Scott, called out leaders of the American right-wing, accusing them of ignoring the victims of a mass shooting at a Buffalo supermarket that was carried out by a white supremacist.
“The lack of expressions of sympathy for 10 dead AMERICAN victims of a mass shooting by the“Leaders” of the Right is bad,” Scott wrote on Twitter this Monday.
“They expressed more sympathy for Kyle Rittenhouse, who killed 3 people, and Nicolas Sandmann, who got stared at, than for the 10 dead innocents in Buffalo,” he added.
As local Fox reporter Jim Lokay points out, Scott “was one of the first evangelical leaders to sign onto the 2016 Trump campaign, and was a fixture at many White House events.” Back in 2016, Scott co-founded the National Diversity Coalition for Trump. He remains on its board to this day.
Unsurprisingly, Scott received some pushback from his followers in response to his tweet.
“honestly, sir, i haven’t seen much sympathy from the left — they were busy blaming tucker before i even saw the news of what happened didn’t we kind of have an unwritten rule that after a tragedy happened, we spent the first 24 hours paying respects or just shutting up,” one person replied.
“Completely different scenarios,” replied another. “What would you like to see these ‘right’ leaders say? Who are they, while your (sic) at it?”
In an opinion piece published back in 2018, Scott declared that Trump was the “greatest civil rights president in a generation.”
“His actions in the first 500 days of his presidency have included supporting prison reform to empower millions of Americans to have a better chance after their incarceration, moving away from Clinton-era ‘superpredator’ policies that imprisoned low-level drug offenders, and overturning a 105-year-old mistake by pardoning Jack Johnson,” Scott wrote at the time.