Conspiracy Theories

Alex Jones: Obama is in his D.C. bunker plotting a ‘Bolshevik-style revolution’ against Trump

Unsurprisingly, InfoWars host and nutbag disseminator of conspiracies Alex Jones is a bit miffed at Michael Flynn’s resignation as President Trump’s National Security Advisor.

Unsurprisingly, InfoWars host and nutbag disseminator of conspiracies Alex Jones is a bit miffed at Michael Flynn‘s resignation as President Trump‘s National Security Advisor.

On his show this week, Jones claimed that there’s a plot to sabotage both Trump and Putin’s efforts to stop globalism. According to Jones, the plot’s mastermind is none other than ex-President Obama, who is apparently conducting operations form a “bunker” in D.C., and utilizing George Soros’s help in recruiting an “army for a Bolshevik-style revolution.”

Pointing to an article from Foreign Policy, Jones warned that globalists are getting ready to “execute really horrible devastation: starting huge wars, setting a nuke off in D.C., anything, talking about ‘time to kill Trump.'”

“There was a coup over America under globalism by stealth, there was a counter-coup with Trump, and they’re launching a counter-counter-coup right now,” Jones said.

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

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