
Bigtime GOP donor: ‘I will not write another check’ until Republicans support assault weapons ban

A prominent funder of GOP political causes is fed up with his party’s inaction when it comes to mass shootings.

This Saturday, a prominent GOP donor who has donated millions to conservative causes demanded that his party pass new gun control legislation — and promised not to make any more contributions to Republican political campaigns and causes that do not support a ban on military-style assault weapons, according to The New York Times.

“For how many years now have we been doing this — having these experiences of terrorism, mass killings — and how many years has it been that nothing’s been done?” Florida-based real estate developer Al Hoffman Jr. said in an interview. “It’s the end of the road for me.”

Hoffman first made his declaration in an email to about half a dozen GOP big shots, including Jeb Bush and Florida governor Rock Scott, saying that he won’t be donating to Scott’s possible run for the Senate in 2018, or any other Republicans who don’t get on board with new tougher gun restrictions.

“I will not write another check unless they all support a ban on assault weapons,” he wrote in the email. “Enough is enough!

“If we go from Orlando to Las Vegas, and now Parkland, you just have to know that there are others around the country just dreaming about staging another mass murder,” he added.

From The New York Times:

Republican elected officials in Washington and Florida have shown no significant interest in considering new gun restrictions after the Florida school shooting. The party, which has full control of both the state and federal government, has traditionally opposed virtually all new limitations on firearms. Mr. Scott has resisted pressure to back new gun regulations after the killing of 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Broward County on Wednesday, though he said “everything’s on the table” in a television interview.

“I’m going to email every single donor I know in the Republican Party and try to get them on board,” he said according to the Times. “We’ve really got to start a little movement here.”

Featured image: Scott Wiseman/Florida Trend 

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