In a video posted to YouTube this Saturday, right-wing anti-LGBT crusader Scott Lively jumped on the anti-face mask bandwagon, saying that he’d rather face death than be forced to put on a mask by the government.
According to Lively, government mandates requiring wearing a mask to help stem the spread of coronavirus are tyrannical.
“[The benefits of wearing a mask] must be balanced against the disastrous consequences of surrendering personal liberty to overreaching government, especially regarding face masks, which are in some ways worse than police-enforced lockdowns because they represent a literal in-your-face exercise of statist power like Islamist head coverings for women or the Nazis’ yellow star for Jews,” Lively said in a video clip flagged by Right Wing Watch. “Unnecessary public mask wearing, as opposed to reasonable usage, is no less a statement of psychological submission to higher authority than a dog collar.”
“In the greater scheme of things, I believe liberty is more important than security if one is forced to choose between those two,” he continued. “Those who don’t believe that are ripe for the Mark of the Beast, which is what this entire season of chaos is really about, in my view. Personally, I would rather die or be maimed from COVID-19, or be beheaded by a mob of anarchists and Islamists than become a safe slave in a global totalitarian government.”
Watch the video below:
Scott Lively declares that government mask requirements are akin to the Nazis requiring Jews to wear yellow stars and proclaims that he'd rather be beheaded than forced to wear one.
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) June 29, 2020
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