Bad Coronavirus Takes

Christian radio host: God let Louie Gohmert get COVID so he could prove hydroxychloroquine works

This Tuesday on the Stand in the Gap radio show, hosts Dave Kistler and Gary Dull speculated that Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) contracting coronavirus was actually part of God’s plan to prove the effectiveness of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine.

“Why did the Lord cause, allow, or direct Louie to get it?” Dull said in an audio clip flagged by Right Wing Watch. “The Lord allowed Louie to get it maybe to show people what truth looks like and how to deal with this COVID-19. And I think that truth be told, we are seeing that in the way Louie has responded to that and how God is working in his life and what he’s saying about it to the American public.”

Kistler agreed.

“I think maybe the Lord allowed that because the Lord knew that Louie was going to respond appropriately, correctly, truthfully, courageously, and he has certainly done all of those things,” he said. “I think he’s a shining example, not only of firm reliance on the God of Heaven, but also he’s a great example of common sense with respect to this drug that has been so maligned.”

After testing positive, Gohmert claimed he started taking hydroxychloroquine to ward off the virus. Medical experts have declared the drug to be ineffective, and possibly even dangerous, as a treatment for coronavirus.

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