
Donald Trump posted then deleted a tweet attacking Jeb Bush for having a Mexican wife

Soon after Trump retweeted a racist sentiment referring to Jeb Bush’s Mexican wife from another user, it was deleted – but not before Angelo Carusone of Media Matters was able to get a screenshot of it:

In a curious moment of self-reflection last week on Fox News, Donald Trump acknowledged that the fallout from his comments about immigrants has been bad for his “brand.”

Considering that his remarks – where he generalizes Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and criminals – don’t seem to be vetted by a staff on the lookout for any PR disasters, a tweet fired off from Trump’s official Twitter account on July 4 shouldn’t really surprise anyone, even thought it was pretty disgusting.

Soon after Trump retweeted the racist sentiment referring to Jeb Bush’s Mexican wife from another user, it was deleted – but not before Angelo Carusone of Media Matters was able to get a screenshot of it:

Way to capture that Latino vote, Donald.

h/t: Business Insider 



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