Former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders made an appearance on Fox Business today, where she praised President Donald Trump for...
The coronavirus outbreak has decimated our ad revenue. If you value DeadState and want us to keep publishing the content you love,...
Anti-Semitic End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles is blaming Jews for controlling President Donald Trump because he hasn’t used the coronavirus pandemic to...
In an interview with The New York Post, Lucian Wintrich, the gay far-right Trump supporter who founded “Twinks4Trump,” discussed the “corona potluck”...
In a Friday phone call to several hundred pastors organized by the Family Research Council to address the COVID-19 pandemic, President Trump...
During his Wednesday night broadcast of The MC Files, right-winger Chris McDonald, an avid supporter of President Trump and equally avid conspiracy...
It’s only been a few days since right-wing charismatic pastor Perry Stone declared that demonic forces are using the coronavirus to kill...
It’s not all that long ago since Paula White, who preaches prosperity gospel and serves as President Donald Trump’s “spiritual adviser” lauded...
As “spiritual adviser” to President Donald Trump, Paula White has talked about her trip to heaven and has advised the faithful to...
Christian author Shawn Bolz is giving lessons on how to pray the coronavirus away. Earlier in March, Bolz informed Fox News that...