We all know that Donald Trump has cashed in mightily on the anti-immigrant rhetoric. He wants to build a giant southern border wall, and force our Mexican neighbors to pay for it. Oh, and he wants to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. Interestingly, history has a funny way of repeating itself.
At Tuesday night’s GOP debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Trump endorsed a program that was in effect under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, where bunches of immigrants lost their lives as busloads of them were rounded up like cattle and dumped across the border — the further the location was from help and civilization, the better. That’s what Trump wants to do. The conversation started with Ohio Governor John Kasich calling out Trump for his insane plan to deport all of these people:
“Come on folks. We all know you can’t pick them up and ship them back across the border. It’s a silly argument. It’s not an adult argument. It makes no sense!”
Trump insisted that not only would it work, but that he was determined to do it:
“Let me just tell you that Dwight Eisenhower. Good president. Great president. People liked him. I liked him. I Like Ike, right? The expression, ‘I like Ike.’ Moved 1.5 million illegal immigrants out of this country. Moved them just beyond the border, they came back. Moved them again beyond the border, they came back. Didn’t like it. Moved ’em waaaay south, they never came back. Dwight Eisenhower. You don’t get nicer, you don’t get friendlier. They moved 1.5 million people out. We have no choice. We. Have. No. Choice.”
For a point of reference, Eisenhower’s implementation of this insane plan, unofficially dubbed “Operation Wetback,” caused the deaths of dozens of deportees. Eisenhower also instructed border guards to shoot all “wetbacks” trying to cross. Lovely.
This is Donald Trump’s America folks. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Watch video of this bizarre exchange below: