In a recent appearance on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn (who is a popular figure among televangelists, even gaining the praise of conservative celebrities such as Glenn Beck), claimed that he had been contacted by multiple senators and members of Congress in regards to his book, “The Harbinger”.
The book purportedly lays bare a Biblical prophecy about America’s rise and fall hidden in the chronology of the country’s presidents. Not surprisingly, Barack Obama seems to bear much of the prophecy’s fulfillment.
In a pattern of rhetoric that’s becoming more common with politically-connected religious fundamentalists, Cahn argued that God made way for the September 11th attacks and the 2008 financial crisis as punishments for moral decay, saying that God “allowed the hedge of protection to be removed” on September 11th to act as “a wakeup call” to Americans because they are “driving God out of our government, our schools, out of our culture” and “promoting immorality.”
This line of rhetoric is reminiscent of Mike Huckabee’s comments in the wake of the Sandy Hook School shootings, in which he claimed that the secularization of America’s schools were responsible for God turning a blind eye to the horror.
Later in the broadcast, Cahn said,
“The Harbinger is reaching Capitol Hill and we have gotten word that about fifteen Senators and members of Congress are reading The Harbinger — they are reading the book.”
Cahn seemed to suggest that the senators and Congress members were seeking his advice on how to escape God’s judgment.
Cahn: “[A well-known member of Congress] called us up and said, ‘we’re reading this, we have to do something, America is in trouble, we have to pray, there has to be repentance.’ This person came to New York, we prayed at all the sites right here then we went to Washington and we prayed outside the Capitol and all those places, so there is a movement among believers on Capitol Hill.”
Cahn never mentioned who the member of Congress was, but he was scheduled to speak with Michelle Bachmann at the unofficial Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast, where Bachmann was ultimately a no-show.
Video courtesy of Right Wing Watch.