
Jeanine Pirro on Trump supporters who swarmed Biden bus: ‘They’re real clear on what they stand for’

On her Fox News show this Saturday, Jeanine Pirro and Newt Gingrich discussed what they believe to be “the huge levels of energy” behind President Trump’s campaign. Gingrich mentioned the “spontaneous parades” organized by Trump supporters, usually featuring rows of cars flying Trump 2020 flags.

In response. Pirro referenced he recent incident where a group of Trump supporters swarmed a Biden campaign bus while on a highway in Texas.

“And what’s even more stunning is what was just trending and that is there’s a Biden bus and it’s surrounded by pickup trucks on a highway all with Trump signs,” Pirro said. “I mean, it is ordinary Americans just taking this election into their own hands and — and getting out there and being real clear on what they stand for.”

Watch the video below, via Media Matters:

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