
Karl Rove Ad Preemptively Strikes Ashley Judd’s Potential Senate Run (VIDEO)

In Kentucky this week, Republicans launched a political ad attacking actress Ashley Judd, referring to her as a “Hollywood liberal” even though she hasn’t yet made a decision as to whether or not she’ll run.

The ad, created by Karl Rove, provoked a response from Judd, sarcastically suggesting she was grateful for the attention as she ponders a run against Republican U.S. Senate leader Mitch McConnell in the 2014 Kentucky race.

“Ashley thanks Senator McConnell, Karl Rove and their negative allies for all the attention as she considers her future political plans, although a decision hasn’t been made yet,” according to a statement from a Judd spokesman.

In a Kentucky-targeted Youtube video this week, Rove launched an advertisement that claimed the actress does not reflect the conservative values of the state. Rove said on Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor” Thursday night that “this is just the opening ad” and there will be more to come.

The ad refers to Judd as a “Hollywood liberal” and features clips of her endorsing President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

The ad also points out that Judd is not a Kentucky resident. She lives in Leiper’s Fork, a rural area favored by country music stars about 15 miles southwest of Nashville, Tennessee. Her neighbors include her mother and sister, country music luminaries Naomi and Wynonna Judd.

The mocking tone of the commercial concludes with the line: “Isn’t that what we need: Ashley Judd, an Obama-following, radical Hollywood liberal who is right at home here in Tennessee. I mean Kentucky.”

Watch the full ad below.



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