There was a lot of ground covered yesterday on The Jim Bakker Show. After the host’s declaration that the End Times are now underway thanks to the death of Billy Graham, Jim Bakker’s wife, Lori, shared another dire warning: If it weren’t for President Trump, liberals would be locking the faithful away in mental health facilities.
Bakker’s rant was inspired by recent comments from The View co-host Joy Behar, who characterized Vice President Mike Pence’s ideology as a form of “mental illness.”
“We love our president, we love our vice president, we love our first lady, we love our second lady,” Lori Bakker said. “They stand up unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. What’s scary for us? Jim has been preaching it for the last two days pretty strong; they’re saying it’s mental illness.”
“You know what they used to do with women that went through menopause back years ago? They put them in insane asylums because their hormonal balance was completely off,” she said.
“I’m not kidding, that is what they did. And I’m not kidding, that is what is going to happen to us as Christians. They are going to lock us up and throw us out if we don’t stand up.”
Jim added that his wife’s warnings can be found in the bible, although it’s not clear which part of the bible he’s referring to.
Watch the video below, via Left Coast Radio:
H/T Right Wing Watch (This post has been updated)
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