Conspiracy Theories

MAGA blogger: Boats that sunk at Trump Boat Parade were probably hit by ‘terrorists’

During the “Trump Boat Parade” this Saturday on Lake Travis in Austin, Texas, the Travis County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that they had received multiple calls for boats in distress and that a number of them had sunk.

At least three boats went down in 30 minutes, according to ABC News.

While it’s clear that the boats were likely overtaken by the wake of other boats speeding along the lake, that’s not stopping some from floating their own conspiracy theories about what happened, namely pro-Trump writer and “Christian conservative” Carmine Sabia.

“The likelihood of all of these boats sinking at the Trump Boat Parade by accident is microscopic,” he tweeted. “We are dealing with terrorists.”

Luckily for civil society, Sabia’s conspiracy theory didn’t get legs and was met mostly with mockery.

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