
Megachurch pastor’s wife: Jesus is the only flu shot your child needs

In 2013, Texas health officials zeroed-in on a megachurch with a history of preaching against vaccination as the point of origin for a measles outbreak. Soon after, church co-Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons was forced to dedicate most of her sermon to the fact that 11 of the 16 measles cases had been linked to church attendees.

Pearson’s father, televangelist Kenneth Copeland, has promoted the unfounded idea that vaccines cause autism. Putting emphasis on the power of faith healing, Copeland urged his followers in newsletters, the church website and television broadcasts to resist vaccinations.

But according to a video flagged by Right Wing Watch, the church apparently didn’t learn its lesson. In the video posted yesterday to the church’s Facebook page, Kenneth Copeland’s wife, Gloria, told viewers that the flu season doesn’t exist and vaccines aren’t necessary because “Jesus himself gave us the flu shot.”

“Listen partners, we don’t have a flu season,” Gloria Copeland said. “And don’t receive it when somebody threatens you with, ‘Everybody is getting the flu.’ We’ve already had our shot, He bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases. That’s what we stand on.”

“Flu, I bind you off the people in the name of Jesus,” she said while praying for those who are already sick. “Jesus himself gave us the flu shot, He redeemed us from the curse of flu.”

She ended the segment by giving a final piece of questionable medical advice, telling viewers that the best way to inoculate themselves is to say “I’ll never have the flu.”

Watch the video below:

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