
New Jersey Republican threatens reporter with violent sexual comments, then claims his Facebook was hacked

When you find out that the nasty Internet troll sending you violent messages of a sexual nature is a once-Republican candidate for political office, it’s definitely newsworthy.

That’s what happened to Daily Beast reporter Olivia Nuzzi started getting messages from Mike Krawitz, a New Jersey Republican who is running for a spot on the West Deptford Township Committee this fall

According to Raw Story, Krawitz has run for the Committee multiple times but has never quite made the grade. This year, he’s giving it another shot.

Mediaite reports that the West Deptford GOP posted a (now deleted) Facebook message saying that they did not condone the comments and were “in the process of contacting Twitter for confirmation that someone hacked (Krawitz’s) account.”

The messages did not originate from Twitter, however, but from Krawitz’s Facebook account.

Krawitz’s comments came in response to Nuzzi sharing an article about Donald Trump‘s ex-wife Marla Maples – an article that Nuzzi did not write.

A glance down Krawitz’s Facebook timeline shows endless pro-Trump images and articles, with a decent helping of anti-Hillary conspiracy articles from junk right-wing media outlets.

Philly.com reached Krawitz by phone this Monday and he claimed he does post or shares articles on Facebook favoring the Republican presidential candidate (a claim that can be proven false by simply looking at his timeline) and he denied commenting on Nuzzi’s recent post.

According to him, the Daily Beast “is a Democratic organization, I don’t even follow that stuff. I don’t go on those websites.”

He then suggested his political opponents may have hacked his Facebook account.

“Could be anybody in this township or the Democratic party. When you’re running for township committee in Jersey, these people do anything to try to smear you,” he said according to Philly.com.

But according to Nuzzi, Krawitz has been harassing her for over a year, making his claim of being victim of hacking likely untrue.

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