
New video shows Turkish president calmly watching his goons beat D.C. protesters

In the wake of viral video that showed Turkish President Erdogan’s strong men brutally attacking Kurdish protesters in…

In the wake of viral video that showed Turkish President Erdogan‘s strong men brutally attacking Kurdish protesters in Washington D.C., a new video has emerged showing Erdogan himself watching the attack from his door of his car, surrounding by other security detail members.

As U.S. News points out, Erdogan was in the back seat of his vehicle as members of his security team charged the protesters. He then got out to observe the incident unfold. The new video was posted to Facebook by the Turkish division of the Voice of America news outlet.

Also notable is the brazenness of the men who carried out the act in front of helpless D.C. police, and the casual attitude of Erdogan and those who remained back at the car. After watching the incident for about a minute, Erdogan calmly walked around the back of his vehicle and entered a building. Earlier in the day, he met with President Trump at the White House.

Eleven people were injured in the incident, including one person critically. A police officer was also injured. Some journalists speculated that the Turkish president ordered the attack while sitting in his car.

“We witnessed what appeared to be a brutal attack on peaceful protesters,” Chief of D.C, Metropolitan Police Peter Newsham told reporters.

“That’s not something that we tolerate here in Washington, D.C.,” he said, adding that “there could be a diplomatic immunity issue, but that won’t prevent us from doing what we need to do.” According to reports, some of the attackers were armed.

From U.S. News:

The protest group included Armenian and Kurdish activists opposed to Erdogan, two of whom were arrested in the immediate aftermath. One was charged with aggravated assault and the other with assaulting an officer.

Scholars say it may be possible for men on the Turkish government payroll to face criminal charges, especially if they are not accredited as diplomats with the State Department and permanently stationed in the U.S.

Watch the video below:

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