During a segment on his Newsmax show, host Benny Johnson claimed that the recent “woke” Grammy awards had the worst ratings “ever” (which isn’t exactly true), saying that his network dwarfs the Grammy’s 12.4 million viewers in “an hour.”
“It turns out that Satan doesn’t sell, ladies and gentleman,” Johnson said, referring to musician Sam Smith performance that some felt channeled Satan with its imagery.
“We covered this, by the way, on the show yesterday. And I sort of wanted to put a button on why satanism is so resurgent,” Johnson said.
“These godless Marxists look to not God but to themselves for rulership. And we’re going to see a lot of that tonight in Joe Biden’s State of the Union. In fact, that’s his – that’s how Joe Biden organizes his own life.”
“The reason they do this is quite plainly laid out in humanism — they worship themselves, they worship the system of government, Marxism, that does away with the church … The church organizes society to look to a creator, to look to God, to look to universal truth, just like all men are created equal, and to better themselves. And these godless marxists look to not God but to themselves for rulership. And we’re gonna see a lot of that tonight in Biden’s State of the Union.”
Watch the video below, via Media Matters: