Racist Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes went on another disgusting rant in a recent livestream that was flagged by Right Wing Watch.
“What if China took over New York City?” Fuentes said. “Wouldn’t that be awesome? Wouldn’t we support that?”
“What if we had Chinese soldiers on every corner and if Black person started spazzing out, they took a sword out and cut his hands off … and then they cut his head off,” he continued. “What if that happened? That would be awesome!”
“China would do a better job running our country than we do,” he said. “What if they did to Harlem and the south side of Chicago what they’re doing to Xinjiang to the Uyghurs? Is that not ideal?”
Watch the video below via Right Wing Watch:
White nationalist Nick Fuentes wishes that China would invade New York City and start treating Black people like it treats the Uyghurs by killing them and putting them in concentration camps. https://t.co/XnrTTbsWYj pic.twitter.com/pOiWVLHyf7
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) September 8, 2023