According to a neighbor, Robert Lewis Dear, the man suspected in the domestic terrorist attack against a Colorado Planned Parenthood location, liked to hand out anti-Obama leaflets.
Dear’s neighbor, Zigmond Post, said that the shooter had some very disturbing views.
From BuzzFeed:
“Post said he once went to Dear’s home to retrieve two dogs that had gotten loose. ‘We were there for a minute and the guy was already handing us anti-Obama pamphlets,’ he said. According to Post, Dear said ‘Obama was ruining the country and needed to be impeached.'”
Post also added, referencing Dear and the shooting that left 3 dead and many more injured, “You never think your neighbor would do anything like that.”
It seems, however, that Post simply did not know his neighbor at all. Dear has been investigated at least nine times during his tenure as a resident in both North Carolina and South Carolina. He was accused of being a “peeping tom,” as well as making “unwanted advances” of a sexual nature. Further, he was also investigated for cruelty to animals.
John Suthers, Mayor of Colorado Springs where the tragedy took place, said that it was likely possible to ascertain Dear’s motive based upon “where it took place.”
According to the Associated Press, Dear also had a cabin in Black Mountain, North Carolina. Another neighbor, James Russell, said that he had not found Dear to be overly political. “If you talked to him, nothing with him was very cognitive — topics all over place,” Russell said.
Featured image via Colorado Springs Police Department