
Police: George Zimmerman got punched in the face for ‘bragging’ about killing Trayvon Martin

According to a report from WKMG-TV, George Zimmerman was punched in the face by a man who said he was bragging about killing Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman reportedly dialed 9-11 after being punched, telling dispatchers that a man who recognized him walked over to Zimmerman’s table and said, “You’re bragging about that?” before slugging him.

But according to witnesses in the police report, Zimmerman was being vocal about his identity, even brandishing his ID card to diners at the Seminole County Gators Riverside Grille so they could see he was the one who killed Martin back in 2012.

WKMG obtained the transcript of Zimmerman’s 9-11 call:

Dispatcher: “What started the argument?”

Zimmerman: “He recognized me. He told me he was going to kill me he told me he’d (expletive) shoot me and he punched me in the face.”

Zimmerman: “This man just punched me in the face.”

Dispatcher: “Is he still there?”

Zimmerman: “Yup. He said he’s going to kill me.  You need to send like three or four cops.”

According to witnesses, Zimmerman could be heard saying, “I love your tattoos. My name is George Zimmerman, you know, that guy who killed Trayvon Martin?”

The man who punched Zimmerman could face assault charges.

Listen to Zimmerman’s 9-11 call in the video below:



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