As one of Bill O’Reilly’s field reporters stalked him down a hall, a San Francisco official simply brushed off the Fox host’s attempt at ginning up the latest anti-immigrant hysteria by simply saying, “Fox News is not real news.”
“And you’re not a reporter,” city official Scott Weiner added as he headed to his office.
Earlier in the segment, City Supervisor and human rights attorney told the Fox “reporter” that in regards to the murder of Kate Steinle at the hands of an illegal immigrant, the real issue was gun control and not immigration.
“Of course Fox News would be this rude,” Another city official, Katy Tang said, turning to walk away. When O’Reilly’s guy continued to pepper her with questions about the death of Kate Steinle, she said, “You’re interviewing the wrong f-cking person.”
Watch, via Mediaite: