2016 Election

Suspicious typo on Arkansas ballot inserts the word ‘liar’ into Hillary Clinton’s name

According to the chairman of the Lonoke County Election Commission Jerry Shepard, “it’s amazing” that so many people missed such a glaring typo.

No one knows how it happened, but 2016 Election ballots printed for Lonoke County, Arkansas residents contained a bizarre and suspicious typo in Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton‘s name, giving it an extra “i,” making the name on the ballot read “Hilliary.”

KARK 4 News in central Arkansas reported the misspelling, adding that county elections officials said it happened despite multiple proof-readings. Snopes.com confirmed the story as true.

An anonymous voter was the first one to notice the mistake.

deadstate Hilliary

Via KARK 4 News

From KARK 4 News:

“We were kind of convinced that they did it on purpose,” the anonymous voter said.

The woman says the extra I is more than just a misplaced keystroke but a knock against Hillary.

“After looking at it pretty carefully it looked like they had put in liar and that was after more information came out after her emails,” the anonymous voter said.

In a Facebook message sent to KARK, the voter says she called the county clerk’s office but was blown off.

“They were just kind of like we know, we don’t think many people will vote for her so we can’t fix it,” the anonymous voter said.

“I’m sorry that [the anonymous voter] is upset nothing was done. I can assure her there’s no defamation of Hillary’s name,” Jimmy Wallace, the commission’s Democratic representative, said.

Snopes points out that Shepard is a Republican, while Wallace is a Democrat.

Shepard said that there won’t be enough time to fix the mistake before Election Day.

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