AOC is getting a lot of praise for her sharp questioning of Michael Cohen, and she dropped a hint as to where...
Intimidating a witness amounts to witness tampering, and witness tampering is a federal crime.
Michael Cohen, an admitted liar, just spoke the most truthful thing to ever leave his mouth.
Trump is ramping up his efforts to distance himself from his former personal lawyer and fixer.
A mullti-media artist strikes again at Trump Hotel in response to today's news about Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort.
A mullti-media artist strikes again at Trump Hotel in response to today's news about Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort.
For some reason, Michael Cohen really wants people to think he's going to flip on Trump.
After his legal team ditched him, Michel Cohen may have no other choice than to cooperate with federal investigators.
Michael Cohen thought that a satirical website was practicing bad journalism.
An top employee for the drug company Novartis said President Trump’s personal lawyer offered the pharmaceutical giant access to Trump in exchange...